Saturday, April 17, 2010


Here is my 9 week belly shot.
Taken on 4/15/10

I feel like I'm actually starting to look somewhat pregnant and I broke out the maternity clothes on Thurs. I'm kind of tired of unbuttoning all of my pants/skirts/shorts, so I figured I might as well just give in.

I got Embry one of those swimming suits with the foam inside so she can float. She's not a fan. We were in the pool trying it out and she was fine until I set her on the second step (which she can easily stand on) and turned around to grab my camera. I don't know what she did, but she ended up face down in the water and wouldn't lift her head up. I grabbed her and she was totally fine, didn't even cough, but I'm confused as to why she just laid there and didn't lift her head up. Well needless to say, she was clingy as all get out after that. I tried to swirl her around by the arms (which I did all the time last summer and she loved) but she would have none of that. The neighbors probably thought I was trying to kill her. I think I'm going to resort to trying to floaty seats that she used last summer and hope she doesn't try to climb out of them. :/


JoAnn Nehs said...

Very scary I'll bet. Hope that doesn't scare her so she doesn't like the water anymore. Hope you didn't get your camera wet trying to grab her. Maybe she couldn't put her head up with that floaty thing on. Other wise I think you would automatically lift it up. Poor thing.

Miss Elimy said...

Hey, those floaty swim suits actually force them on their stomachs, and make it hard for them to lift their head, they're more meant for older kids who are learning how to swim, so please, be extra careful! I think the floating seat would be best for her right now.

As always though, she's adorable in it!