Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 11

11 weeks old on 1-30-09

Embry has started to 'talk' a lot more. She does goo goo ga ga things and squeals now. I'm convinced that she's said 'hi' a couple of times but Tony insists that I'm crazy. Whatever. I think he will agree with me that she has waved a couple of times in response to us waving at her though. Now when I get the camera out and set her on the blanket for pictures she will smile on command. Sometimes I don't even have to say 'smile!' she'll just see the red light and start smiling and cooing. She's gotten very good at sticking her fingers/hands in her mouth and oozing all over them.

Tony and I have kind of worked out this system where Embry will sleep until 6am when Tony's alarm goes off and then I'll feed her. Then Tony will take her downstairs and put her in the bouncer while he does his morning routine because she's not tired enough to lay down and sleep in the play yard and then bring her back before he leaves after she's fallen asleep in the bouncer. It works out very nicely and this morning we slept until Tony came home for lunch at 11.

I love her.

1 comment:

Coco said...

What an adorable picture!