Thursday, October 9, 2008

34 Weeks

41 days to go!

All is well and I'm feeling great besides one back. It's gotten quite bad over the past few weeks, well actually, only the right side. If I had to describe it I'd say it feels like someone is sticking a knife in between my right shoulder blade and my ribs, then naturally it radiates down through my sciatica. Sooooo...

I went to the OB on Tues and discussed this issue with her. Basically she said that if I were to be induced that I could have my epidural whenever I wanted (including right when they start the pitocin). If I were to be induced at 37 weeks she said I'd need an amnio to make sure the baby's lungs are fully developed. I thought that was a little odd since if I were to go into labor naturally at 37 weeks then it wouldn't be an issue. Anyhow, I'm not getting an amnio. I wouldn't care about it for my sake, a needle in the stomach doesn't bother me a bit, but for Embry's sake I won't have one done. Now then, induction at 38 weeks would be totally fine, so if my back is worse by then I might go with that option. I'll keep discussing it with the dr until then. She also said that it would be completely fine for me to take up to 2 percocets/day (which I def won't do, but maybe a half of one a day would be helpful) and I'm going to physical therapy on the 17 and 24 to see if that will help. I'm just hoping that it's not the stupid kind of physical therapy (like I had at health south) where I go all the way over to the office just so I can stretch out my back. That is a complete waste of time since I could do the same thing at home. The doc went over my birth plan and said it all sounded fine and the hubby gets to go into the room for a c-section unless it's like some crazy rushed life/death c-section emergency and there's not time for him to get scrubbed in. Embry's heartrate was about 150 bmp and my blood pressure was 118/70 which brings me to another point. The day before I had a follow up with my regular dr and my bp at that appt was 142/75. So I told the OB nurse and she was really upset that my dr didn't call them to let them know my bp was so high. Then the next day at the OB it was normal and the urine strip was normal too, so apparently the high bp was just a fluke. My next OB appt is the 21 and then it will be every week after that point. At the next appt I have my first cervix check and the group beta strep test, so we'll have an idea if I'm making any sort of progress or not. I've certainly been having a lot of braxton hicks contractions, not that they make you progress, but I had one last night that lasted for about 1.5 hours.

Things we have to do before the baby arrives:
  • find out about insurance and baby
  • install infant car seat base in my car
  • install convertible car seat in Tony's car
  • get shelves built in the garage and organize boxes
  • bring all of the Christmas boxes over from my parent's (because the most awesome Christmas party of all time will be held at the Ciaravella's house this year!)
  • try to make some premade/frozen meals for easy access after baby arrives
  • have Pretty in Pink baby shower :)
  • put everything away from Pretty in Pink baby shower
  • have cutest baby in the world
Hi, so I think I'll have a baby next month.
Next month I'm going to have a baby...


To A T said...

Oh you are too cute!! :)

I'm so excited for you! Yay for Emry's arrival next month!

Robin said...

Hey Girl, you look great. I love keeping up with your pregnancy. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Just want to let you know that I tagged you in my blog. Check it out to see what you have to do next.