Friday, September 27, 2013

Benlysta #3

Well Benlysta dose #3 happened on Wed, Sept 25!  I experienced much of the same joint/bone pain that I did after #2, but it only lasted the night of the infusion and then was pretty much gone the next day.  This led to a tough night trying to sleep on Wed however I survived and the girls survived having a rather cranky mama on Thursday.  Not that they weren't doing their fair share to make me tired/frustrated/enraged, but let's just say we know it's been a rough day when the moment Tony walks in from work I say 'bye' and escape on a 'fun' jaunt to the grocery store for some alone time.

Anyhow, the infusion went well except for not getting the meds from the pharmacy for 3 hours.  Normally it'd be about 90 min to get the meds mixed but this particular time there was a stubborn chunk that wouldn't dissolve and since they can't shake it, they just had to wait and watch it.  I was fine because they a) have cable, b) I brought a good book ['Shift' by Hugh Howey], and c) I was ALONE.  Oh sweet relief!  

Great news!  I surpassed my goal on fundly with the Premier Jewelry party being a huge success thanks to all my amazing friends and family who supported me (and got some awesome jewelry out of the deal)!  Now we're up to $2414, woot woot! 

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