Embry has been rather fussy this week. When I went to MOPS on Tuesday, she started crying almost the exact second I walked in the door. So I took her out of her car seat and held her which was ok for a bit. Then she was fussing so I walked to the back where she fell asleep in my arms. I made it back to my seat and sat down, then tried to move her to put her back in the car seat, but no luck. When I started to move her, she woke up and started crying again. Needless to say, it was not a good experience. I thought about just leaving midway through, but decided to stick it out. Then I nursed her for about 20 and we left to go to costco...also, not a good time. I do this certain thing quite often and always end up mad about it afterwards. I stand by the baby clothes taking my time picking out the perfect outfits, dresses, onesies - whatever it is I happen to be looking at - then put them in my cart and walk around some more, then decide it's a waste of money and put them all back. It's ridiculous! Even thinking about it makes me upset. Anyhow, I did this at costco with these adorable Dr. Suess onesies and some cheap summer dresses, bleh.
On Wednesday I took Embry out to my parents house where she was lots of fun and all smiley. She slept on the car ride to young marrieds, but was fussified once we got there. Then she cried the entire car ride home from young marrieds (which was like 20 min cuz it was in Vail). So when I got home I fed her and she was fine, but she started crying mid feeding (really unusual, she loves food) and I look up at Tony and go, "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that this is the only child we will ever have." Needless to say, I was really not feelin it. Now, once again, I'm back to thinking we will have more than one. I waiver back and forth on this about 5 times a day. The part I don't want to go through again is the first month or two. I'm not sure how it is for the 'normal' folk, but for me, my body literally does not function on that little sleep. Maybe if I was formula feeding it would have been different because Tony could have stayed up at night (if you could wake him up in the first place, 36 ring a bell anyone?!) to feed her, but I would feel guilty if I was capable of breast feeding and didn't. So basically, I'm confused. End of story.
Moving on- I think we will move her to the nursery to sleep at night since she is sleeping for at least 8 hours everynight. It will make things a little easier for me because she makes noise in her sleep (ocassional screams and then the normal grunts/coos/whatever) and everytime she even moves her leg or turns her head, I wake up. I'm not normally that light of a sleeper, but since becoming a mom any noise she makes will jolt me out of my sleep. We're going up to Phoenix to stay the night at Tony's mom's place today, so once we get back we'll start putting her in her crib and I'll report next week how it goes.
Other interesting tidbits:
1) My daughter loves tv. I think it's like a big toy for her with all the moving colors and fun noises. Everytime I'm feeding her and sit her up to burp, she stares at the tv very intently. Sometimes she'll start to fuss when I burp her, but then just turn her towards the tube and all is well with the world! I'm hoping she doesn't become a couch potato like Tony and me because we watch a LOT of tv.
2) She's developed a bald spot on the back of her head from laying/sitting with her head resting on the swing/bed/bouncer. Not sure what to do about that, but it bothers me.
3) I think she might end up with blue eyes. If not blue, then another light color (green perhaps) because her eyes have gotten sooo light since she was born. Tony's eyes aren't exactly brown, so this is not particularily surprising to me.
4) She screamed at the top of her lungs last night after her bath when I was trying to put lotion on her. I swear, I have never heard anything so loud or deafening in my lifetime. It was ear piercingly shrill...yikes. She was seemingly fine, but apparently she wasn't having it. Hope there is not a repeat.
5) Embry just had a complete blow out. She was asleep in her swing and I picked her up to feed her and she had pooed all up her back, through her white onesie (which is now in the trash), through her pajamas, and onto her swing. She even pooed through the front of the onesie...that's a first for us. Amazing how much poo these little bodies can produce!
6) I am down to my pre-prepregnancy weight which is fantastic, but I think my hips are about 3 feet wider than they were before which can be evidenced by this...
Yep, that's right, on Wed the butt of my jeans ripped as I was bending over. Granted they were a very old pair of jeans, but does this make a woman who just had a baby feel good? No. Embarrassing? Yes. I think they should make a thing called post-maternity pants that have a little extra room in the hip area...I think I've really got something here. So if you YMers are wondering where Tony and I disappeared to on Wed night, we were in the bathroom so Tony could safety pin the butt of my pants back together. Good times!
7) Embry: I want to squish her and kiss her all day long, she is soooo stinkin cute!
What a great picture! I love her sweet smile! On to your post... Those first couple of months can be incredibly difficult. I remember a couple of times just crying while feeding Drew in the middle of the night b/c I was so tired. As time goes on your memory of those days fades (at least a little) and it seems like it was a short blip on the radar. I, too, developed super-sonic hearing after becoming a mom. I used to be a very heavy sleeper and now I feel like I can hear Drew blink. Oh, the blowouts - it is truly amazing the amount of poop that can come out of one small child! I much prefer to throw an inexpensive onesie in the trash than scrub poop out of it. :) Congrats on your quick weight loss!!
Gosh, my daughter gets fussy periods at random times and I am so scared of going anywhere with her in public. The *ONLY* place she's been to is the pediatrician's office because I am totally unwilling to take a gamble and go out in public with her. So even though your outing wasn't the most pleasant of experiences, I totally applaud you for trying! :)
About wanting more kids... oh yeah, I definitely flip-flop between the two extremes on a regular basis. One second, I am totally ready to start TTC this instant... but then five minutes later, I think about getting my tubes tied and/or never having sex again. I agree - the first several weeks are utter hell. I just wish I could skip over those early days of sleep deprivation. Ha!
Definitely move the babe to the nursery. We moved our daughter to her crib after the first couple of nights - we realized that she was a noisy sleeper and we couldn't get five minutes of sleep with her in our bedroom. Moving her to her crib was the best move ever!
Oh, BTW - I made my blog private (friends only) and I would love to invite you to read my blog, but I need your email address. If you let me know what your email is, I'll add you to the invite list. You can either leave your email here in a comment, or you can shoot me an email at giulodeon@yahoo.com. I don't want you to think that I blocked you on purpose!
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