Friday, April 11, 2008

Ultrasound Appt

Apparently, I don't actually get to schedule the ultrasound. I called the dr's office today (because they hadn't called me yet to schedule it and I wanted to get in like asap) and the girl said that they hadn't forgotten about me, they were just short staffed and they should be calling me this afternoon to set up the appt. So the girl calls me this afternoon and tells me when my appointment is for the ultrasound. I don't get to like pick a day or a time that would be most convenient, they just tell me when it will be. Now with me, that's not a problem, I don't have a whole lot that's actually set it stone so I can do a "whenever" ultrasound, but I would really like my husband to be able to go since it's kind of like a big deal. So it's scheduled for April 24 (not next week like the nurse practitioner said, but 2 whole weeks away) for 12:45pm. That would be exactly when Tony is in class. Hopefully he'll be able to come over to see the first pictures of the little Turkey, but it's highly doubtful since it's his last semester of college and it's almost over, he's totally bogged down with projects right now. I'm fairly positive they don't do printouts of the ultrasound at this early stage (although I will be 10 wks by then and you could probably see like arms/legs etc) so I'm taking my camera and hopefully they'll let me get a pic of the screen to show Tony. I'd also really love to send that out in the announcements, so fun! Maybe I can cut feathers out of construction paper and glue them onto the baby's spine in the pic so it really will be my Thanksgiving Turkey! Or maybe not. Gobble gobble. Anyhow, I can't wait!!! I need to have patience for the next 2 weeks and hopefully things to do to keep my mind off of the impending ultrasound. I mean come on, the first pictures of our first baby, this is a big thing for me, this is scrapbooking material!

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