Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I got a call from the neurosurgeon's office today to say that the Dr looked over my x-ray and that there is 'no change' in my vertebrae since my accident. So naturally I go, 'uh, what does that mean?' and she (the assistant) says, 'I'm not really sure. Did he talk to you about any follow up treatment or anything?' Uh, no. I have an appt to see him again on the 27, so I guess we'll figure out what all that means then.

I never really thought about what it would mean if my back actually didn't get better. I just trusted it'd go back to normal in 6-8 weeks and I'd be back at it...going to playdates, taking the girls places, going swimming, etc.

The new rheumatologist said he'd see me once and the office manager won't allow him to set up a payment through my insurance. So I guess that means he'll see me once and that's it. I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to achieve by seeing him once, but I'll give it a shot.

Nola seems to be really close to crawling, but I thought the same thing about rolling over and that took FOREVER! So obviously I'll post if anything develops on the crawling front, but as of now she's just up on all 4's and rocking back and forth. She can also stay sitting up for a while by herself if I put her there but she can't get up to sitting on her own yet.

1 comment:

JoAnn Nehs said...

I wrote out a comment when you first posted this but it wouldn't let me publish it. Nola will be fine she is just taking her time doing things she is very strong. And smart as a whip. Maybe it's just taking longer than normal for the bones to heal seeing as they are not so good to began with. I'm hoping and praying that the bone Dr. will have some answers to help them heal faster. In the meantime I would try and get as much rest as possible. I bet that might help your back more than anything. At least that is what I read. Hang in there. Love you Mom